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12-Story Library Editor Picks

23Jun 20
Become A Citizen Scientist During Coronavirus

Become a citizen scientist during coronavirus

The Smithsonian has a collection of 75 research projects that are looking for help from people at home. Citizen scientists can help researchers by sifting through data, like photos and audio clips. Many of the tools are free and simple to use, making it easy for children to participate. The…

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02Apr 20
The Positive Effect Of Nature Photographs

The positive effect of nature photographs

Being outdoors can be soothing. But do we need to leave our homes to get this benefit? A new study says that even looking at pictures of nature can relieve stress. The study compared viewing nature photos and images of buildings. Students who viewed images from nature described feeling less…

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14Nov 18

Four habits for brain training

You don’t need online brain games, puzzles, or advanced technologies to be a better learner. There are easier, cheaper ways to improve your performance at school. Sleep helps to clear the cobwebs from your brain. Plus it makes your memories stronger. Exercise boosts your ability to learn and remember. Mindfulness…

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University of Texas Center for Brain Health News

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Infographic: Brains, Games, and Learning

Video: Teen Brain

Web Resources

BrainHQ Tweets

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Interactive Brain Model

Brain Quiz

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