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12-Story Library Editor Picks

04May 21
ShakeAlert Messages Will Warn West Coast Of Earthquakes

ShakeAlert messages will warn West Coast of earthquakes

A new early warning system, called ShakeAlert, will use cell phones to alert people in California, Oregon, and Washington of an earthquake. The alerts come from sensors from the USGS seismic system. Once the sensors pick up movement, a message is sent immediately to the surrounding area. Quakes travel through…

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03May 21
Traveling This Summer? Bring A Mask

Traveling this summer? Bring a mask

People are eager to start traveling this summer after a year of lockdowns. To minimize the risk of COVID-19, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) says travelers will need to wear a mask while on public transportation. That means anyone who is flying on an airplane will wear a mask while…

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25Mar 21
Young Entrepreneur Created Popular App To Stop Cyberbullying

Young entrepreneur created popular app to stop cyberbullying

Trisha Prabhu was only a teenage when she launched the anti-cyberbullying app, ReThink. Today, she is one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Social Impact list. Her app has been downloaded over 500,000 times. Most anti-bullying programs focus on getting kids to speak to adults after the bullying occurs. Prabhu wanted…

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Map: Weather Preparedness Events Calendar

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Video: Bicycle Helmet Safety

Source: WorkingWell Canada/Vimeo Creative Commons

Learn how to best check your bike helmet to make sure it fits well.

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