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Not science fiction anymore: new tech turns thoughts into text

After a paralyzing accident, one man thought he may never be able to talk again. However, an experimental device called BrainGate2 has given him his “voice” back. The man is able to type on a computer screen by imagining the…

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Groundbreaking trachea transplant gives woman a new tube for breathing

The trachea, or windpipe, is a tube that brings air to and from the lungs. It is a hard organ to transplant because there are many tiny blood vessels. New research helped doctors at The Mount Sinai Hospital do a…

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Map of Life shows you the odds of finding a new species in your area

The Map of Life, or MOL, tracks the biodiversity around the world. Researchers are using the map to predict where an unknown species may be hiding. The data model shows that amphibians and reptiles are the most undiscovered animals. This…

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What’s an NFT and why are people buying them?

NFT stands for "non-fungible token.” It’s a digital work of art, like music, video clips, or a meme. People pay a lot of money to own the original code. Why? It is like owning an original art piece or a…

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Mysterious moonquakes: A fresh look at Apollo-era tremors

People have long assumed that the moon is geologically dead. After all, our natural satellite lacks the internal heat needed for tectonic activity. Right? But new analysis of data recorded by seismometers during the Apollo era is shedding light on…

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Yes, the universe is expanding. But how fast?

Astronomers agree that the universe is growing larger, and that the rate of expansion—called the Hubble constant—is accelerating. What they don’t agree on is the best way to measure that expansion rate. Current methods have produced numbers that don’t align.…

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