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12-Story Library Featured Editor Pick

12May 21
Not Science Fiction Anymore: New Tech Turns Thoughts Into Text

Not science fiction anymore: new tech turns thoughts into text

After a paralyzing accident, one man thought he may never be able to talk again. However, an experimental device called BrainGate2 has given him his “voice” back. The man is able to type on a computer screen by imagining the letters on a sheet of paper. The device is 95…

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04May 21
ShakeAlert Messages Will Warn West Coast Of Earthquakes

ShakeAlert messages will warn West Coast of earthquakes

A new early warning system, called ShakeAlert, will use cell phones to alert people in California, Oregon, and Washington of an earthquake. The alerts come from sensors from the USGS seismic system. Once the sensors pick up movement, a message is sent immediately to the surrounding area. Quakes travel through…

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24Mar 21
Humanoid Robot Sells NFT Artwork For Almost $700,000

Humanoid robot sells NFT artwork for almost $700,000

A humanoid robot named Sophia sold an NFT, a digital artwork, at an auction online. The piece sold for $688,888. This is the latest in the NFT investment craze. Sophia was created in 2016 by Hanson Robotics, based in Hong Kong. She collaborated with Andrea Bonaceto, an Italian digital artist,…

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Note: Each post links to a current event story related to this 12-Story Library book. Our editors hand-select each story and write each post.

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