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12-Story Library Featured Editor Pick

09Feb 20
Mysterious Moonquakes: A Fresh Look At Apollo-era Tremors

Mysterious moonquakes: A fresh look at Apollo-era tremors

People have long assumed that the moon is geologically dead. After all, our natural satellite lacks the internal heat needed for tectonic activity. Right? But new analysis of data recorded by seismometers during the Apollo era is shedding light on unexplained moon tremors and their origins. Could the quakes recorded…

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30Jun 19
Yes, The Universe Is Expanding. But How Fast?

Yes, the universe is expanding. But how fast?

Astronomers agree that the universe is growing larger, and that the rate of expansion—called the Hubble constant—is accelerating. What they don’t agree on is the best way to measure that expansion rate. Current methods have produced numbers that don’t align. But scientists are now pursuing fascinating new approaches to assess…

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Note: Each post links to a current event story related to this 12-Story Library book. Our editors hand-select each story and write each post.

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