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12-Story Library Featured Editor Pick

19Sep 18
More Than 800 Tombs Found In Ancient Burial Ground

More than 800 tombs found in ancient burial ground

For a long time, no one even knew they were there. They were buried under feet of sand. Now archaeologists have mapped more than 800 Egyptian tombs found near the village of Lisht. The 4,000-year-old necropolis is one of the largest groups of Middle Kingdom tombs in all of Egypt.…

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22Aug 17
Egyptologists Analyze Centuries-old Wooden Toe

Egyptologists analyze centuries-old wooden toe

Egyptologists in Switzerland are busy analyzing a prosthetic toe that was discovered in a tomb outside of Luxor, Egypt. The toe is over 3,000 years old and could be the world's oldest prosthetic device. The toe was carved out of wood and affixed to the rest of the foot by…

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Note: Each post links to a current event story related to this 12-Story Library book. Our editors hand-select each story and write each post.

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