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12-Story Library Featured Editor Pick

19Sep 18
Ancient City With Huge Pyramid, Human Sacrifices Found In China

Ancient city with huge pyramid, human sacrifices found in China

Archaeologists in China have been excavating the ruins of a 4,300-year-old city. They call it Shimao because no one knows its ancient name. The city surrounded a step pyramid so massive that the city’s rulers lived in palaces at the top. Parts of the pyramid are 230 feet (70 m)…

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22Aug 17

Archeologists uncover 3,000-year-old altar in northwest China

Archaeologists in far northwest China have recently completed excavation of an ancient altar, believed to have been used by sun worshippers. The ruins of the temple were discovered in 1993, but only just now fully uncovered and analyzed. The altar at its widest point stretches over 300 feet (91 m),…

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Note: Each post links to a current event story related to this 12-Story Library book. Our editors hand-select each story and write each post.

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