When did the Times Square ball first drop?
It’s a New Year’s Eve tradition: watching the ball drop in New York City’s Time Square. It began in 1907. The city banned New York Times from doing their usual pyrotechnics and fireworks display. The Times needed something new. They hired Jacob Starr, a Ukrainian metalworker, to create a time…
How is the Leaning Tower of Pisa still standing?
The Leaning Tower of Pisa looks like it could tip over. But it doesn’t. Even though it leans, it has survived several powerful earthquakes. How it stays standing has been a mystery for hundreds of years. Now scientists think they know the reason. Something called dynamic soil-structure interaction, or DSSI,…
Gateway Arch “biography” reveals complex history of an American icon
The iconic Gateway Arch opened in St. Louis in the 1960s, and at 630 feet (192 m) tall the structure has become an iconic landmark in the United States. However, the Arch didn't live up to all of the expectations set out by the original creators. Author Tracy Campbell wrote…
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